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We Buy Trucks, Trailers & Equipment

Whether you're looking to get rid of a wrecked vehicle or sell a used vehicle you no longer need, Vander Haag's will make this process as easy as possible. Fill out the form below to request a bid on your vehicle.

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Since you might be coming into some money...maybe you need some parts or accessories for your other units? We have a massive IN STOCK collection of parts to browse. Or maybe you need something to replace what you're selling, we have plenty of whole units to go around!

Our Locations

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While Vander Haag's, Inc still holds strong to its family focused values that have been at the core of the business since first opening in 1939, the company now features 11 Midwest locations selling quality used/rebuilt/new truck parts, selling commercial trucks & trailers, and providing full service heavy duty truck repair. 43.178044 -95.155024  Spencer, IA 41.640436 -93.584249  Des Moines, IA 43.594099 -96.709450  Sioux Falls, SD 41.158006 -95.826804  Council Bluffs, IA 39.065417 -94.498172  Kansas City, MO 41.033283 -86.596167  Winamac, IN 39.740696 -86.255676  Indianapolis, IN 39.960151 -83.366700  London, OH 38.176011 -85.750102  Louisville, KY 32.807028 -96.873557  Dallas, TX 38.751480 -90.470276  Bridgeton, MO
